Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Welcome to easy knitting!

Knitting can be one of the most soothing, relaxing activities you can do. It's a fabulous right-brain, rhythmic activity for when your analytical left brain is working overdrive. It's a feast for the senses--soft wool, delicious color, the click of needles.

Or it can make you so tense and hysterical you need a Xanax every time you think about starting the shoulder shaping on that cute cashmere hoodie.

Relax--there are a million wonderful resources out there that can make knitting enjoyable and relaxing, the way it's supposed to be. (Your Grandma didn't need Xanax, now did she?) You just have to take it step by step. Start with a great easy knitting pattern (and it doesn't have to be a potholder!). Spoil yourself with wonderful materials and excellent tools, not with a too-complex pattern that will just have you tearing your hair out. Before you know it, you'll be knitting Halloween costumes and tea sets and who knows what else. But start simple.

This blog is intended to help beginning knitters find fun patterns that are both simple and cool. (You'd be amazed at how fun it can be just to knit a big rectangle, if you approach it the right way.)

I wish you many hours of very happy knitting!

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